Monday, May 19, 2008

hELLO 6n

This is officially the last week before the inter-CT econs blog competition comes to a formal closure. Well, i am pleasantly surprised and gratified by the quick respond to the article I posted on $2.80 haircut. Yes, David is absolutely correct - Economics is COOL... cos it deals with a lot of stuff that you and I face everyday. Alfred Marshall ( one of the greatest economists who ever lived and a teacher of John Maynard Keynes - another legendary economist) once said " Economics is the study of Mankind in the ordinary business of Life". So, keep the fire in your belly burning as u learn and apply what u have been taught over this short span of time.

. One day, who knows you may become another LEGENDARY ECONOMIST ... who hails from the land of the little RED DOT and even more special -the econs tutorial class of 08S6N. Dreams do come tRue....Yeah.

mr tan:)

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